Our Clients Include

Our Process
Schedule a Consultation
Prototype and Demonstrate
License Technology

Quilt Packaging Technology
Quilt Packaging is a revolutionary, patented, scalable technology that brings on-chip interconnect performance to system-in-package technology. QP’s “nodule” I/O structures connect chips along their edges to create a “metachip” or “quilt” of chips that can be made of disparate materials and/or process technologies, so that performance of each system chip can be optimized at the lowest possible cost. The resulting quilt can be packaged as if it were a monolithic IC, as shown above.

QP Applications
Quilt Packaging offers world-record interchip interconnect performance. IIC has demonstrated interchip insertion losses of less than 1 dB all the way from DC to 220 GHz with no resonances. Also, QP nodules have been shown to pass several amps without degradation. Pull-tests show that QP nodules are individually as strong as, or stronger than, bond wires, but work in tandem to make strong and reliable systems. Easily-accomplished deep submicron chip-to-chip registration allows applications in RF, microwave, digital, power, biomedical and integrated-optical systems.

Custom R&D/Fabrication Services
IIC invites you to utilize the IIC Team’s microfabrication/ nanofabrication expertise for prototyping and research builds.
One of IIC’s core competencies is fabrication and testing of micro- and nano-scale devices. IIC provides quick-turn prototyping of your design, or can provide design input to help take ideas into practice. E-beam lithography, magnetic materials, electroplating of Cu, Au/Sn, Permalloy, and Ni are just a few of example applications that IIC has delivered on-time and on budget to customers.

Your Electronic Systems
Better Chip Packaging
Quilt Packaging is a platform technology—applicable to a wide variety of electronic systems.
Game changing performance improvements are enabled by QP at costs comparable to or lower than competing integration approaches. Revolutionary advances are currently underway in microwave/RF, large format arrays, power electronics and more.